Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Lady of Lourdes

Thinking aloud, so to speak, about how to honor this day. It came up quickly. On Sunday, I thought, oh, I have almost all week to figure it out. Now it's Thursday already, so I'd better just pick something and do it. I always want to be more intentional about these things, and sometimes it goes really well, but other times.... Well, we'll see how the day goes. :)

So far, I'm thinking:
Mass at 11:30 on base, hopefully. Lately, every time we've gone over, the Mass has been cancelled for one reason or another. Hopefully, it will happen today. If not, we'll do what we always do and make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and maybe pray a decade of the rosary if I can get Matthew and Meghan to settle down enough for it. The new Blessed Sacrament chapel is roomier than the old one, so we can all have a kneeler now if we want.

And the kids are watching "Bernadette, Princess of Lourdes" this morning. I like "Song of Bernadette" better, but we just watched it on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

And I think I will pull out the photos of our visit to Lourdes when Joseph was a baby.

The Lourdes water and candles that my friend, Patty, sent us after her visit will make a good centerpiece at dinner time.

What do you suppose would make a good dessert? I'll have to check out A Continual Feast and The Year and Our Children for that. Katie can probably give me a hand there.

Update: There was Mass! Hooray! But we didn't have time for photos. It was swim lesson day and John and I had scheduled a dinner out for date night tonight, which was also a very nice way to celebrate. We waited until we got home to have dessert: ice cream sandwiches made with vanilla ice cream (white for purity and the Immaculate Conception) between two cookies. We did okay with this celebration, but next year I will definitely plan this day sooner.

1 comment:

sherry said...

It sounded pretty good to me!