Thursday, February 12, 2009

Meghan eats

butternut squash
grapes (seedless and peeled--yes, I peel them, but she only eats about 1 at a meal anyway, and I'm not giving her any more because they don't agree with her, even though she loves the taste)
rice cakes (brown rice)
rice cereal
sweet potato

So far, I've been able to find almost all the foods she needs in the grocery stores. We haven't had to buy any baby food other than the first rice cereal. I'm hoping to keep that up. It just seems so much better to give her fresh foods that I steam and mash myself.

Next week....she's moving up from mashed to eating small chunks with her fingers. She already does this with bananas and soft-cooked pears, rice cakes, and sweet potato, so it should be an easy transition. Bring on the bibs with sleeves!

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