Monday, February 16, 2009

7 quick takes

1. I have succumbed to the pressure from my local and college friends to join Facebook. Maybe I'll be more successful at keeping up on Facebook than on Twitter. The whole thing seems a little high-school to me. Maybe because I only have 4 friends. Or maybe because I am suddenly keeping count of my friends. Very high school. In a Napoleon Dynamite sort of way. Or a Judy Gibbons sort of way. Or something.

2. On to things that matter: Meghan now has 8 teeth!

3. Patrick went to a high school basketball game today. I think it's the first time ever. Then he and his friends were planning to watch Jeeves and Wooster episode 1. I can't wait to hear what they think of it. We love them. (thanks to Dan and t for introducing us to them :-))

4. Matthew still calls his cousin Claire "Claire-y Dairy Strawberry" when he talks about her. That was a silly thing the kids called her for one day 2 years ago (the last time we saw the cousins). I'm not sure how to gently change his habit before we see the cousins again this summer. She definitely won't get it.

5. Dinner tonight is at the club. It's a holiday. And I'm still resting on my laurels from the delicious (if I do say so myself) cherry pie I baked yesterday. :-)

6. I finally emptied 2 months worth of photos and videos off my camera today. Let's see how long it takes me to do something with them on the blog.

7. Katie has been asking for a dollhouse, but we haven't gotten her one. So she and Joseph have taken matters into their own hands. They are building a doll house out of kleenex boxes. It's pretty amazing. Curtains, rugs, pictures on the walls cut from old calendars.

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