Monday, March 10, 2008

Panic may not be such a bad thing....

Friday's panic spurred me to actually do one job that has been waiting far too long.

Katie and I finally fixed her valance and adjusted her curtains Saturday.

Following in a fine Lenten tradition, she has been doing a bit of spring cleaning in her room, and today, it looked very cute: all finished now.

So that's one thing off my list, and one peaceful, happy daughter curled up in her flowery butterfly and fairy abode reading a good book.


sherry said...

Okay, exactly what did you guys do to the curtains? They look GREAT!! Better than in Yakima! What is different???

What is the wide pink band?

Katie's room looks so pretty.

Judy said...

Honestly, Mom, we didn't do much. The pink band was to make a wider sleeve for the wood valance rod we have in this house. It's on the back, and don't be horrified because it doesn't show through, since it's over the wall.
Then we had to come up with a way to drop the curtains lower to cover the windowsill because this window is a bit taller than in the Yakima house. I wonder if you like the look because the proportions of this window are different?
In a few months, you can see for yourself--Hooray!! :-)

sherry said...

I LOVE the look! I wasn't worried about the pink band--it makes the back look cute, too. I was just wondering what it was for!

Judy said...

Katie agrees. She likes knowing there is pink on the back of the curtains, too. :-)