Better weather means more time outdoors. Which brought the sad state of the backyard fort to the children's attention.
Katie and John went to one of the local home improvement stores,
Sundays, to look for a solution.
When in Japan, use Japanese materials :)
They found new stakes and some screens
to replace the spider-webby, dry and scratchy, pine branches that had formerly sheltered the fort.
These marsh-reed screens are called yoshizu.
Traditionally, yoshizu are used to shade windows and open doors from the harsh summer sun.
They are still used outside homes, traditional soba (noodle) restaurants, and even dessert shops in summertime.
They should help keep the fort shady and cool.
Finished! Just as it started to rain...
The dried pine branches that used to cover the fort are now in a wood pile behind the house. There is hope of making a bonfire during the July 4th weekend. If the good weather holds.
What is growing in the garden?
Looks like Katie and her Dad had a good project for all to enjoy.
Tomatoes, corn, strawberries, and pumpkins. We are going to plant cucumbers on the 3rd of July. :D
You can see pumpkins in the picture.
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