Japanese egg packaging is different from the U.S.--10 eggs instead of 12 per package and in recyclable plastic containers. These seem to protect the eggs just fine. I never find a broken one. The thing I don't like that they don't close securely once the seal has been pulled off. Maybe I'm opening them the wrong way, but I can't figure out another way to do it. I have saved a few cardboard cartons from the eggs the commissary imports from the U.S. that I use for refrigerator storage.
Another unique feature: they stamp the expiration dates on top of each egg.
Eggs in Japan are delicious and very fresh. The yolks seem to be a bit more orange in color than American eggs, very bright when you slice hard boiled eggs or scramble them. The thing the kids like best though, is that there is no salmonella here, so if we bake with Japanese eggs, they get to taste the cookie dough.
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