Meghan was four months old last Saturday. Already, I find myself looking at her and saying, "Where has the time gone?" She looks so much older than she did even a few weeks ago.
She's rolling over from her tummy to her back now, and Wednesday, successfully rolled from back to tummy. She didn't repeat that feat until today when she rolled over several times while reaching for toys. She grabs anything within reach. A little more coordination, and I'm going to have to be careful with the camera ;-)
She's teething like crazy, gnawing on everything from her fingers to her car seat buckle. Last weekend, her older siblings thought she might enjoy the cool glass of a root beer bottle. She found it quite satisfying until mean old Mommy took it away (although not until after taking photos).
Thank goodness for the wooden teething toy Aunt Carol and Uncle Rob sent her! She is pretty miserable, even so. I've actually done a bit of online searching for an amber teething necklace, but haven't found a U.S. source for them. I'm getting ready to buy one from Canada, unless someone knows of another good source??
At her 4-month checkup on Monday, she weighed 14.8 lbs (down to the 75th percentile), and was about 26 inches long (still in the 95th percentile). Head circumference? I don't know because I didn't get the info paper they usually give out and so it wasn't written down.
Dr. H. and I had a very serious conversation about her immunizations. He is a good listener--a wonderful quality to find in a pediatrician when you don't really get to choose your own. He told me that it sounded to him like Meghan had an adverse reaction last time, but not an allergic reaction and definitely not a seizure, which would be reasons to delay or decline future immunizations. So he recommended that we get the vaccinations, but also that I stay at the hospital with Meghan for 30 minutes afterwards in case she had a similar reaction.
Because we live in Asia and will be traveling to places other than Japan in the next 6 months or so, I was concerned about skipping the shots, but more concerned about getting them if Meghan's previous reaction was a sign of allergy. I had been praying about this situation ever since her first shots, and really wasn't sure what the final decision would be until the appointment was over. Since Dr. H had listened so well, I felt he had understood what happened. His recommendation seemed thoughtful, trustworthy, and reasonable.
So Meghan got her shots and she was completely fine. The person giving shots this time was much more gentle in her manner. She let me hold Meghan on my lap during the shots so that I could comfort her immediately. Meghan cried, but it was not the frightening, screaming, non-breathing cry that emanated from the depths of her wounded soul the last time.
She stopped crying quickly, nursed for 10 minutes, then sat up with a big smile on her face. She proceeded to stay awake, alert, and pleasant the remaining 20 minutes until we were able to go home. She made all my worries seem ridiculous. Thanks be to God and the intercession of St. Therese.
She's so beautiful and jolly! I'm glad that the shots went well. I also have to say that this description of her response to the previous round of shots: "the frightening, screaming, non-breathing cry that emanated from the depths of her wounded soul the last time" was so familiar. A sad occasion, but I have to appreciate how well and beautifully you put it.
It's awful, isn't it. You know you are doing the right thing for your child, and yet it has to cause her pain. She really did sound as if she had been completely betrayed last time. And we get to do it again in two more months. Sigh...
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