Happy name day to John and Matthew Francis!
There were some good plans for celebrating this day, but we are fighting colds, and I just want to sleep. So the most we have managed is a special picture on the altar and a reading of Francis: The Poor Man of Assisi. But we love this simple Saint nonetheless, and we pray that he will guide and protect our Matthew throughout his life.
Thank goodness for the coconut-carrot cake left from our celebration of St. Michael on Tuesday. October is truly Celebration Month around here.
"How St. Francis Tamed the Wild Doves"
from Little Flowers of Saint Francis
...and did Judy celebrate October 2nd, the Feast of the Holy Angels?
Hey, good idea, Mom. I can't believe we missed one :-) We always celebrate the guardian angels, but I never thought about adding in my Angela on that day, too.
I usually celebrate St. Elizabeth of Hungary on Nov. 17th, since she is my confirmation Saint. Of course, now I share her with Katie. It means a chocolate angelfood cake, which is pretty delicious.
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