Monday, September 17, 2007


It has been raining steadily all day. Everyone has felt sleepy (Katie even dozed off momentarily at the piano this morning), and Matthew woke up on the wrong side of the bed, which made for a difficult school time. But things are looking up.

A blur of pink, green, and black just streaked past my window. Katie, Joseph, and Matthew are out playing in the rain. It's a windy rain, but they were determined to go out. I suggested boots and umbrellas. After a try in their crocs, they came back for boots, but refused the umbrellas. Katie said, "It's a walk in the rain, Mom. If we use an umbrella, it won't be as much fun."

I think the cobwebs will be cleared and the moods improved when they come back in.

Update: They came in soaked in every spot their jackets didn't cover, but bubbling with laughter. Matthew went pleasantly to bed for his nap. Thank you, God, for your beautiful outdoor weather.

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