Saturday, April 2, 2011

Survivor Journal - Chapter 5

Tsunami Cleanup
Volunteered to help with a tsunami cleanup project today.  We didn't have to drive very far, less than 45 minutes, to find some pretty serious wreckage.  We ended up at farm on the border of Oirase and Hachinohe.

Here you can see the result of our work.


There were about 40 of us all together.

At least one of the greenhouses contained strawberry plants. Much of the fruit had been ready to pick.

One section of the greenhouses was buried under a foot of sand that washed in from the ocean.

Most of the debris in the foreground came from those trees in the background.

The first floors of all these houses were inundated.  If they're like the house of the farmer we were helping, they'll have to replace everything, including wall and floor boards.

Not sure where this hat came from, but it's another reminder of the human suffering caused by the disaster.  May the souls of all those who died rest in peace!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I am so glad you were able to do this! Thank you for posting the photos.