Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We weeded the flower beds,

and I finally planted flowers in the pots on the front porch. So now I will give you a tour.

impatiens and a tenacious chrysanthemum that has come back for the third year

blue iris and a pot of annuals

When we moved in with our large family, there was a vacant, weedy lot next door. Our landlord very kindly expanded the back yard for us. They also made a gravel parking area that we call the driveway, and, at my request, left a strip of earth for a garden along the fence. Everything growing in the driveway garden has been planted in the past 3 years.

the driveway garden

The blue iris was really overgrown in the front garden last fall, and the driveway garden was (is still) too bare, so we moved three clumps of iris to the driveway garden. This is one; it is blooming even better in this sunnier spot.

another clump of iris that we moved and some columbine trying to recover from its battle with the weeds

the third clump of iris that we moved,
a tree that we moved from the back flower bed because it was blocking the kitchen door,
and some annuals

yellow iris by the driveway gate--this and the tiger lilies were planted by previous tenants

I'm embarrassed to show you this overgrown mix of wisteria and tiger lily volunteers from the gate area. Does anyone know how to take care of wisteria properly? It is one of my favorite shrubs, but I don't have any experience in caring for it. It looked very nice when we moved in and for the next two summers, but this year, it is an overgrown mess. I tucked a potted impatien in there to try to make it look more civilized.

Update: I found this site http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1246.html that is very helpful. I think I'm going to need John's help on this one.

nasturtiums under the camellia tree, which is looking a little bedraggled after its first winter without the shelter of the woods.

And finally, a newly-planted ornamental cherry tree. (Thanks to my dear husband.) I have wanted one since we moved in and only last week found the right garden center to buy one. I am hoping against hope for a few blossoms next year, since it will be our last spring in Misawa.

All in all, and except for the wisteria, we will be leaving the yard in better shape than we found it (my yearly excuse for gardening--an activity that I cannot resist, even on rental property). It must be that famed Irish love for the land. :)

1 comment:

sherry said...

Your yard looks beautiful. I can see expansions and improvements since we were there. The shells are a lovely touch!