Saturday, June 26, 2010

Some things about Meghan

1. Meghan, talking on her cell phone (Tommy's old one minus the battery), "Hi, Joshie, how's it doin'? pause "That's great. It's Meghan and Mommy and Matthew in the kitchen." pause "Silver bells and cockle shells and warm and toasties warm..." repeat, repeat, repeat.... so funny.

2. Katie and I went shopping today. Katie came home with a swirly pink skirt. I came home with some new summer clothes for the girl who is too tall for a lot of her big sister's hand-me-downs. She exclaimed over each item, "Look, a dress, so cute!" "Oh, shirt, cute!" "Look, Daddy, cute!"

3. I tried one of the play dresses on her, along with her new straw hat. She did the "I Have a New Dress" dance.

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