- Clothing: 1 bag
- Hat box, hat, old purses and wallets: 1 bag
- Cassette tapes and computer game disks: 1 grocery bag
- Set of tires: 4 tires = 4 bags, I think
- Filing cabinets: 4 bags (although I'm not sure this counts, since we replaced the two, mismatched, two-drawer filing cabinets with one lovely, Korean-made 4-drawer one--a net of zero really...hmmm...I'm still counting it because it looks prettier now. ;-D)
- Bunk bed frame and padded boards - calling this 10 bags
- twin-size mattress and waterproof cover - 5 bags
- Sets of sheets: 6 twin-sized (calling this 2 bags)
- Random sheets that were not in sets: 3 queen-sized, plus a pillow case (calling this 1 bag)
- Twin-sized comforters: 2 (these went to people who are still in post-tsunami temporary housing)
- Small briefcase - 1/2 bag
- baby toys - 1 grocery bag
Okay, so we're at about 31. Could be worse, but with only Holy Week to go, it could be better. When Katie and I go through the bins of hand-me-downs in the garage, I expect to easily hit 40. But it might not be until after Lent. :(
Other items slated for sale/disposal before we PCS:
- patio table
- 4 patio chairs
- gas grill
- Meghan's tiny, plastic slide
- Little Tykes car--I can't believe how long this little car has lasted--it was a hand-me-down to Tommy and Patrick when we lived in Turkey, so it has lived on two continents, just like us: )
- 2-3 kids' bikes, although one is going to be a fight. Matthew is too big for the bike he learned to ride (and named "Lance") last summer, and we'd like to hand Joseph's bike down to him. Joseph is going to be riding Tommy's old bike when we get it fixed up.
- refrigerator
- two satellite dishes (We mostly only use our TV to watch movies on DVD so it's crazy that we even have these. We took them off the house last fall and put them in the garage, but I haven't been able to sell them yet.)
- living room couch
- crib mattress
- vacuum cleaner--it's as if someone accidentally hit the self-destruct button on this thing; the motor still works great, but the rest of it is literally falling apart. We are relying on duct tape to keep it together for the next four months
- grass trimmer
- depending on where we move, possibly the
- lawn mower
- dishwasher
- outdoor play house
- hopefully, at least 1/3 of the baby and children's clothing that I have saved--there is much more than one child could ever wear in those bins now
- all the duplicates of the old photos that are out in the garage
- one set of matching Turkish grain-sack pillows ( I should probably get rid of more of these, but I'm not quite ready to do that yet)
- board books (I'm ready to cull through these and only keep the ones I'd like to have around for the grandchildren to read when they visit)
"As for her charities, they will bring upon us a divine blessing. We shall not want, so long as we let her relieve the poor as she does."
--Louis of Hungary, about his wife, St. Elizabeth