Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joseph

Joseph is 8 years old today!

Last Friday, we had a birthday party for him. He invited 7 friends over after school for an Ocean Adventure party.

We decorated the house with ocean-themed party supplies,

streamers (thank you, Patrick),

and sheets (Joseph and Matthew already had these--handed down from Tommy and Patrick)

The last 8-year-old party I gave was for a group of girls. This one was a bit livlier ;-)

At the end, we had a sunken treasure hunt for the treat bags. Katie made the treasure chest, and she and Joseph filled the bags with goodies.

The triumphant treasure-hunters:

Everyone had a whale of a good time. (Okay, sorry. I resisted saying that for the whole post until now. I just couldn't help it.)


To Patrick, who made the Far East Drama team!

His audition included a written essay (about which the drama teacher commented, "someone finally treated me like an intellectual") and two monologues (Polonius' advice to Laertes, Hamlet, and Tom Sawyer plotting Jim's escape, Huck Finn), which earned him the top spot on the list. (We don't really know if the top spot is significant, but Tommy was the top name on the list the year he tried out, too, and it sounds really good.) ;-)

Wooo Hooo!!!

This means he gets a trip to Okinawa for the competition in February.

Okinawa in February is sure a lot warmer and sunnier than Misawa in February.

How do I sign up?


Last Tuesday, I took this photo in order to illustrate a post about how dreary our weather has been. I intended to whine tell you that we all just wanted to curl up on the couch with warm drinks and books while listening to the rain on the roof.

But I didn't get time to post Tuesday night (all that sitting on the couch just wears us out!) ;-)

And by Wednesday morning, the view out the dining room door was a bit different:

Suddenly, we weren't so much about sitting on the couch anymore.

Meghan's first snow

Although the warm drinks were still welcome when they came back inside.

Happy Misawa Autumn!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oirase Gorge

A couple of Sundays ago, we took a little hike through part of the Oirase Gorge, a Japanese national park about an hour from our house. If we had only known how lovely it is, we would have made our way there long before now.

There was a lot of traffic. It seems to be the Skyline Drive of Japan.

But once we got off the road and onto the path, it was remarkably peaceful.

There was even some fall color.

All the kids enjoyed the hike,

even Meghan, who gazed in wonder at all those trees. She had been fussy when we took her out of the car, but as soon as we got on the path, the sound of the rushing water calmed her and she rode peacefully along in her carrier.

The path follows the river, which runs out of Lake Towada and down the gorge, which it has carved.

One of the things we have found unique to Japanese forest walks is the presence of bamboo among the ferns and other fauna.

There are many waterfalls along the gorge from small:

to tall:

Joseph had a wonderful time looking for places where animals might spend the winter. He's been reading about this in science.

He also noticed the plants growing on this floating log. It must have been stuck there for quite awhile.

And this beautiful fungi:

The kids always have fun when we go hiking as long as we fit the hike to their abilities. Matthew walked all on his own this time. He took a few breaks for fun, though.

At one point, Katie noticed that Matthew had his shoes on the wrong feet.

She and John got him all fixed up.

John and I both had our cameras, and he caught me doing what I usually do on family outings.

Patrick managed to find a few peaceful moments.

Matthew has a delightful way of finding enjoyment in everything he does.

We were charmed by the Totoro-like figures on the park signs.

Time to head home.

My favorite view:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New skill

She's getting to be a bit grabby.

videography by Katie

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Seasonal entertainment

The All Saints Day fun continues.

Post election

I turn to the thoughts of G.K. Chesterton:

"Over-civilization and barbarism are within an inch of each other. And a mark of both is the power of medicine-men." -G.K. Chesterton, ILN 9-11-09

"The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected." - G.K. Chesterton, ILN, 4/19/24

And one for hope:

The Deluge
Though giant rains put out the sun,
Here stand I for a sign.
Though earth be filled with waters dark,
My cup is filled with wine.
Tell to the trembling priests that here
Under the deluge rod,
One nameless, tattered, broken man
Stood up, and drank to God.

Sun has been where the rain is now,
Bees in the heat to hum,
Haply a humming maiden came,
Now let the deluge come:
Brown of aureole, green of garb,
Straight as a golden rod,
Drink to the throne of thunder now!
Drink to the wrath of God.

High in the wreck I held the cup,
I clutched my rusty sword,
I cocked my tattered feather
To the glory of the Lord.
Not undone were the heaven and earth,
This hollow world thrown up,
Before one man had stood up straight,
And drained it like a cup.

-- G. K. Chesterton

For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary, John

20 years! Where did the time go?

I guess it sped by during law school, grad school, baseball games, soccer games, basketball games, cross country meets, gymnastics lessons, cheerleading games, guitar lessons, bass lessons, piano lessons, boy scout hikes, craft projects, countless doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, business dinners (including the one tonight), and TDYs, 16 years of school, 10 years of homeschool, 9 moves, 7 pregnancies, 6 babies, 5 (minor) surgeries, 2 sets of braces (so far), one college beginning (so far), and some amazing trips to awesome places in this great world God made.

You have taken me places I never thought I would go and held my hand every step of the way. This song is for you.

With all my love and hope for 20 more...and 20 more after that :-),
