Monday, February 2, 2015

Feast of the Presentation

It has been almost a year since I wrote anything here. But today was a good day, and I want to remember it. It was mostly an ordinary day. But in the time since we have been back from Japan, we have really been struggling just to get back to ordinary, and today, finally, I feel it. Ordinary.

It's a little funny that this day has fallen on a Feast Day in Ordinary Time.  A time to fall back, regroup from the high feast days of Christmas and breathe before the somber days of Lent arrive (in just over 2 weeks!).

An ordinary day. I took John to the train station at 6:30 as usual and met my friend Mary, who I walk with three times a week, at Magruder Park at 6:50. We actually arrived at the park at the same time today. Neither one of us had to wait. Nice. Not that we mind waiting, but it was nice to start our walk immediately.

I got home with a few minutes to spare for a drink of water and to get the kids moving for Mass. Everyone found their shoes, coats, mittens, etc. We walked to Dan and Taryn's to pick up Benedict (only a little late--pretty good for a Monday), and arrived at Mass before the Gospel. Okay, we do need to do better at that. But we got there. And we got home. And we remembered to pray the Morning Offering on the way and the Rosary for our parish priests on the way home.

School time. Matthew was tired and struggled a bit, but he overcame it and finished his work and piano practice before a quick lunch. He went to co-op and choir. Choir finished early and he got a bonus playtime with his friend, Elias, which he would not have had if his work hadn't been done.

Meghan worked independently today. She didn't give up or cling to me or whine when I had to finish working with Matthew so he could leave for co-op. She kept going and did other things.

Benedict had a happy day. He was energetic and excited about playing with the kids. Happy to have Meghan as his "snack friend."

I had remembered to defrost the chicken for tonight's dinner last night, so it was ready to go in the marinade at lunch time, and I remembered to put it there.

Joseph worked independently this morning and reviewed for an exam with me in the kitchen while I baked a lemon pound cake (from this blog) for our Presentation Day feast.

Katie wrote papers and printed out papers for me to grade.

I had a few minutes to clean out the birdbath. Matthew happily refilled the bird feeder when he got home. No drama.

Dinner was ready on time.

John got home from the train just as I was lighting the candles.

We had a nice conversation at dinner and remembered to pray Evening Prayer for the Feast of the Presentation.

And Joseph played Carol of the Bells, a last splash of Christmas at the end of the day. Tomorrow, we will put away the Nativity scene and take down the outdoor lights, the last vestiges of our Christmas celebration, saved to tonight's feast of light for the One who is the Light of the world.

An Ordinary day. And yet, not. It was the first time in many days that so many things have gone right, gone peacefully.

I am feeling so grateful for this day. This happy, healthy, ordinary day. Thank you, dearest Lord, for the gift of this day.

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