Sunday, April 22, 2012

Home, but... (an explanation/apology of sorts)

After we got home last weekend, everyone promptly fell ill.

Okay, maybe it isn't that drastic, but Meghan came home with a cold, which she shared with Matthew and Daddy. And it is a doozy: a feverish, achingly-painful migrane-like headach-y, ending-with-a-horrible-cough type cold. Even Mommy got the horrible headache. And the only two left standing are so tired that I suspect they are fighting it, too. Poor Meghan was better Friday and all weekend, and now she is sick again tonight with a new wrinkle--higher fever and upset tummy. Thanks be to God for children's Ibuprofin.

Then, we had three birthday parties to attend this weekend, which those who were well enough did attend. (not complaining--they were fun, but they did make for an unusually busy first week home from vacation)

And Patrick's financial aid paperwork is due. And a friend asked for help with a last-minute Flat Stanley project (which I love, but it took a little time to put together).

And thanks be to God for the team concept of teaching Confirmation. One of the other team members stepped in and planned the whole of today's class. For which John and I will be forever grateful.

And Katie had two home soccer games!! Yay!! The first ones of the season, which has to start in Tokyo because we always have too much snow here at the beginning of the season. But, you must realize that this means....


Except for the gigantic piles that make hills of empty lots and fields where it was dumped by dump trucks that had been filled by shovel trucks that were clearing out parking lots and city streets all winter. But the soccer field off-base where the Eagles play is clear.

And so is the "train park" across from the city offices. They have installed a new play structure, and if we ever get well, and if the weather warms up just a little bit more, we plan to go there and check it out. They even set up the cherry blossom festival lanterns this week. No blossoms yet, but the lanterns give us hope.

So please understand that this is why we have not even finished taking the photos from Thailand and Korea off our cameras yet, let alone shared any here. We're sorry (especially to our parents, who are waiting to see all the fun). And we will post pictures as soon as we can. Maybe later this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad your back home, and that the snow is finally melted. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Please take some pictures of some cherry blossoms for me.

