Friday, February 8, 2008


It isn't fair, really. Lots of people crave treats like ice cream when they are pregnant, and they have the pregnancy as an excuse to eat lots of it.

Not me. I crave things like carrots and oranges. Particularly oranges this week. And to prove it, I walked out of the grocery store with two huge (well, huge by Japanese standards ;-)) bags of mandarin oranges today. They just looked so good. Don't ask me what I paid. I'm not telling.

Two mandarin oranges were, however, a delicious accompaniment to my broiled fish and leftover asparagus for lunch.


Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant, the only thing I remember craving was oranges! Interesting?

Judy said...


My siblings always tell me that I'm just like you. Now I know that it's not just that I'm always telling them what to do. ;)